James Bond food Thunderball menu

What’s on the menu in Thunderball?

We occasionally see James Bond pick up a restaurant menu in the films, but we are almost never permitted to see what’s on it. An exception is Thunderball (1965), where, at the Café Martinique in Nassau, the camera lingers on the menu as Bond orders Beluga caviar.

The menu text is not totally clear, but it is possible to make out several items. Whether by accident or design, some of these match items that are mentioned in the Bond novels. Had the literary Bond perused the menu, he might have been tempted by one or two dishes in addition to the caviar.

There is, for example, oeufs cocotte à la crème, or baked eggs with cream. In On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1963), James Bond admits to living off eggs cocotte, among other items, and in Goldfinger (1959) orders oeufs cocotte à la crème at the restaurant at Orleans station. Then there is steak tartare, a dish that which we’re told in From Russia, With Love (1957) that Kerim Bey eats every day. Bond tries a forkful and says it’s delicious. Other types of steak are available, including chateaubriand. James Bond eats various forms of steak in the novels, and the choice presented on the menu would no doubt give him pause for thought.

Escargots de bourgogne are also on the menu. Though Ian Fleming’s James Bond never has the dish, John Gardner’s James Bond does – at the Terminus Nord restaurant in Paris in Death is Forever (1992).

Other dishes include duck à l’orange, coq au vin, fresh vegetables (légumes frais), and consommé Madrilene. And, for the record, Beluga caviar is on the menu – presented as caviar Beluga sur socle; that is, on blinis, toast or a similar base. If you can decipher any more dishes, drop me a line in the comments section.

6 thoughts on “What’s on the menu in Thunderball?

  1. Steven Hill says:

    The desserts are very difficult to read. But I picked up the following:
    Le Gâteau du Jour
    Pêche Melba
    Crepes Suzette
    Crème Caramel
    Cerises Jubilé
    Soufflé aux Liqueurs

    At the bottom of the menu, I believe this appears:
    Glacé Vanille Café Chocolat Fraise

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Steven Hill says:

    The title of the menu is “Les Hors d’Oeuvres Riches a la Francaise”. There are no prices. That suggests this is a Prix Fixe menu organized by appetizers, soups, main courses, salads, and desserts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Steven Hill says:

    The appetizers:
    Saumon d’Ecosse Fumé
    Caviar Beluga sur socle
    Parfait de Foie Gras Truffe
    Cocktail de Crevettes
    Prosciutto Italian
    Melon de Cantaloup
    Stone-Crab Meat or Cocktail
    Grapefruit au Marasquin

    The soups:
    Crème de Tomate
    Crème Vichyssoise
    Soupe a l’Oignon gratinee
    Consommé Madrilène en gelée
    Potage du jour Bisque de Homard du Chef

    The sides:
    Omelettes au Choix
    Oeufs Cocotte a la Crème
    Cuisses de Grenouilles Provençale
    Douze Escargots de Bourgogne
    Sole Anglaise Meuniere
    Filets de Pompano Amandine
    Filete de Grouper Americaine
    Truite Grenobloise
    Scampi au beurre Aillé

    The main courses:
    Poussin Crapaudine
    Rognons de Veau Parisienne
    Poularde Poêlée Forestière
    Escalope de Veau Cordon Bleu
    Coq au Chamberlain
    Cote de Veau des Gourmets
    Canard a l’Orange
    Ris de Veau braisé aux Petits Pois
    Steak au Poivre Martinique
    Coeur de Filet Rossini
    Côtelettes d’Agneau Grillées
    Steak Diana
    Steak Tartare
    Piccata Andalouse
    Chateaubriand Sauce Bearnaise
    Bouquetière de Légumes fraise de Paradise Island Garniture

    Salade de Saison
    Le Plateau des Frontages


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