James Bond lollies

This summer’s hot weather inspired me to create a cooling frozen treat worthy of James Bond. As it happens, I had some ice lolly moulds (from Ikea, the best available, just to drop in a brand reference in true Bond style), as well as some bottles of alcohol, and naturally I decided to combine the two.

One of the bottles I had was Lillet Rouge. Bond, of course, specifies Kina Lillet for his vesper in Casino Royale (1953), which today is typically replaced by Lillet Blanc, Kina Lillet having long been discontinued. While there’s no record of Bond drinking Lillet Rouge, it can be used as an alternative ingredient in a Negroni or an Americano, of which Bond is fond, so I think one is justified in including Lillet Rouge in the Bondian drinks cabinet.

The recipe below can be adapted to make a range of Bond cocktail lollies. Replace the Lillet Rouge with a gin or vodka martini mixture or even a vesper mixture. (But full disclosure: I haven’t attempted martini-style lollies. Do have a go, though, and report back.)

To make c. 4 lollies

  • 50ml Lillet Rouge
  • 1 tsp liquid glucose
  • Enough water to fill level of measuring jug to 300ml

Pour the Lillet Rouge into a measuring jug. Add the liquid glucose and top up the measuring jug to 300ml with water. Give the ingredients a stir.

Carefully pour the mixture into the lolly moulds. Place the moulds in the freezer and allow the mixture to freeze over several hours.



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